2014-03-20美国杰克逊小鼠品系库美国杰克逊小鼠品系库 We are an independent, nonprofit organization focusing on mammalian genetics research to advance human health. Our mission is to discover precise genomic solutions for disease and empower the glob…
2014-03-20欧洲小鼠突变资源库INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes. The INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure provides access to first-class tools and dat…
2014-03-20突变小鼠资源中心突变小鼠资源中心 Welcome to the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers (MMRRC) Web site. The MMRRC distributes and cryopreserves scientifically valuable, genetically engineered mouse strains and mous…
2014-03-14人类癌症小鼠模型联盟The NCI at Frederick and the Frederick National Lab partner with university, government, and corporate scientists to speed the translation of laboratory research into new diagnostic tests and treatm…
2014-03-14小鼠资源目录Welcome to the Whole Mouse Catalog! This Web site serves as a central place to find numerous Internet resources of particular interest to scientific researchers using mice or rats in their work. Ple…